Jun 5, 2021
Mamibot Mysolar supplied around 200000 pcs high efficiency double-glass bifacial mono perc panels 405W to Estonia in 2020. The installation was finished within Nov 2020, and these bifacial panels are producing more electricity than conventional mono perc panels, especially on summer days.
The bifacial panels can deliver 10-30% mower output in these solar parks because extra power from the rear side produces more electricity.
These solar systems with Mysolar double-glass bifacial panels were the biggest ones by bifacial among those solar parks in Eastern Europe in 2020.
Some common points about Mysolar bifacial panels:
1. Higher Efficiency - Front Side Up to 20.2% efficiency
2. Extra Power Gain - Rear side generates an extra power output
3. Better PID Resistance - Double Glass protects panels better
4. Higher Fireproof level - Grade A fireproof
5. Longer Lifespan - up to 30 years warranty
6. Lower Degradation: 2.5% from 1st, 0.448% degradation from second year
7. Stronger Corrosion Resistance - Glass replaces conventional backsheet, better steam/water/acid/salt
8. Greater Installation Scenes - BIPV, Deserts, Strong wind/snow sections
9. Easier Maintenence - frameless panels are easier to be cleaned
10. Less cost - very competitive prices compared with conventional PERC modules, less BOS cost (balance of system)
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